
lawyer specializing in bicycle accidents in Houston

The experienced Gibson Hill Personal Injury Law Firm bicycle accident attorneys in Houston have the knowledge and skills necessary to fight assertively for the rights of injured cyclists. We offer individualized attention to each one of our clients and will do everything we can to secure the compensation you deserve.

Call us today at (713) 659-4000 or contact us online for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you if you were injured in a bicycle accident in Houston.

Table Of Contents

    Causes of Bicycle Accidents in Houston

    Increasing numbers of Texans are capitalizing on the benefits of riding bicycles. Choosing to cycle to work or school can be a great way to minimize your carbon footprint and play your part in reducing the heavy traffic on Houston’s streets. Riding your bike can lead to improvements in fitness, stress levels, and mental clarity. Furthermore, cycling allows you to bypass the eye-watering prices at the gas pump.

    However, being on your bike comes with risks to your safety. Because many motorists do not respect the presence of cyclists on the road, negligent drivers can cause accidents that can severely injure or even kill people on their bikes.

    Most accidents involving bicycles happen due to the negligence of an automobile driver. Some of the most common ways drivers cause collisions with cyclists are:

    • Failing to see a cyclist before making a left-hand turn
    • Striking a cyclist from behind (rear-ending)
    • Failing to yield the right-of-way to a person on a bike
    • Passing a bicyclist on the left, then turning right into the path of the bicycle
    • Opening the door of a parked car without checking to see if a cyclist is approaching (dooring)
    • Exiting a driveway or parking lot without checking to see if a cyclist is approaching

    In any of these instances, the difference in size between the automobile and the person on their bike can lead to catastrophic injuries or even loss of life.

    Types of Injuries in Bike Accidents

    Even when a cyclist is wearing full protective gear (helmet, gloves, kneepads, etc.), negligent drivers can still put them at risk for serious injuries, including:

    • Traumatic brain injuries: A bike helmet can only do so much to protect a cyclist’s brain. If the bike rider’s head collides directly with the vehicle, the ground, or another hard surface at speed, they can suffer anything from a mild concussion to a severe penetrative brain injury.
    • Broken bones: The potential for broken and fractured bones occurs not only at the moment of direct impact between the motor vehicle and the bike rider but also when the cyclist attempts to brace themselves for a collision with the ground. At any point during the accident, they may fracture their hands, wrists, arms, ribs, legs, hips, or facial bones.
    • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis: If a vehicle collides with a cyclist at high speed or throws them into the air, the bike rider’s unprotected spine may suffer a severe injury. Some spinal fractures can sever the spinal cord, leading to paraplegia or quadriplegia.
    • Organ damage or internal bleeding: In some cases, the injury to the cyclist may not be apparent right away. Nevertheless, hidden injuries such as organ damage or internal bleeding can be life-threatening if left untreated.
    • Lacerations, contusions, and abrasions: While damage to the skin may seem less serious than some of the above injuries, the potential for infection or disfiguring scars can have grave consequences for a cyclist’s life.
    • Soft tissue damage: Strains, sprains, and muscle tears can take weeks to heal. Depending on the injury and the cyclist’s profession, they may need to take a significant amount of time off work while they recover.

    The Importance of Seeking Medical Care

    medical care after an accidentIn the moments after a bicycle collision, an adrenaline rush might be masking pain in your body. You should seek medical attention as soon as possible after any bike accident to have a professional discover and diagnose any injuries. Not only will visiting a physician help improve your physical recovery, but it can also help strengthen your accident claim. An insurance company is more likely to take your request for compensation seriously if it sees that you felt the need to go to the hospital or doctor immediately.

    However, if you noticed symptoms only after walking away from an accident but did not seek immediate treatment, speak to a personal injury lawyer in Houston as soon as possible. They will advise you on what steps to take to protect your claim.

    Compensation for Injuries from Bicycle Accidents

    Your compensation will depend on the individual circumstances of your case. Many individuals who have suffered injuries in bicycle accidents have received compensation for losses such as:

    • Medical expenses
    • Lost wages from missing time at work while you recover
    • Reduced future earning potential
    • Property damage
    • Cost of assistive devices
    • Pain and suffering
    • Disability and disfigurement
    • Loss of enjoyment of life

    Speaking with an experienced attorney from Gibson Hill Personal Injury can give you a clearer sense of what you can expect to recover.

    If your loved one lost their life in a bicycle accident, our law firm could file a wrongful death claim on your behalf. This type of claim can address costs such as funeral and burial expenses, the pain and suffering of your loved one, loss of income, and loss of companionship.

    Contact an Experienced Houston Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today

    If you have suffered injuries in a bicycle accident that was the result of another party’s negligence, you deserve compensation for your losses. The skilled bicycle accident attorneys of Gibson Hill Personal Injury in Houston understand how overwhelming life can be after experiencing a bike accident. We are committed to fighting for you and your best interests so that you can focus on your recovery.

    Our attorneys will handle every aspect of your case, from investigating the cause of the accident to negotiating your settlement with the insurance company. If necessary, we will file a lawsuit to fight for your compensation in court.

    Call our offices today at (713) 659-4000 or contact us online for a free consultation to learn more about your legal options.

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